Disable iOS OTA Update

Only works for trollstore and jailbreak device.

Posted by Winchell.Wang on December 13, 2023

This only works on devices with TrollStore or devices that have been jailbroken.

1. Take out Red Dot (Optional)

Install the block OTA profile, then go to settings to check for updates. It will confirm that you are updated, and the red dot on settings will disappear.

2. Install Filza

Here is the link. I assume you know how to use it.

3. Disable Update

Fliza open the file in this path ‘/usr/bin/vm_stat’.


rm -rf /var/MobileSoftwareUpdate/MobileAsset/AssetsV2/* && chflags schg,schange,simmutable /var/MobileSoftwareUpdate/MobileAsset/AssetsV2

Then, you should get something like that, if you check the updates again.


4. Enable Update

If you want, the same location.

chflags noschg,noschange,nosimmutable /var/MobileSoftwareUpdate/MobileAsset/AssetsV2

Works for iOS 14.8