Winchell Wang

Blog For A Reckless Man

Point of Zero Charge

A brief explanation of pzc and the concept of zeta potential

Point of zero charge (pzc) is an important concept in colloid chemistry. I am trying to learn it and utilize this knowledge in my study. This blog only talks about my personal understanding of pzc....

Change MSI X570 BIOS Logo

A method to replace the logo in BIOS during lanuch

Software Requirements There are two softwares have the capacity to replace the logo, but only one that I have tried. UEFITool AMI ChangeLogo Tool (Did not Test) Procedure ...



最近学到了,也是腾讯自己修复了微信的这个bug吧。或者与其说是修复,不如说是提供给用户一种修复微信通知的工具。 背景问题 我在使用iPhone这么久,发现微信有一个不断复现的问题,就是在长时间使用微信后,微信的notification banner就消失了。具体而言,就是当安装的微信在没有任何的重装行为,正常使用一段时间,通常是半年到两年的时间后,当把微信关闭后,或者微信长期驻留后台没有...

Common Units in Chemistry

A brief manual to conclude the common units in chemistry

NOT Finish yet, Still drafting. 1. Weight 1.1 Weight Percent Weight Percent (重量比), P is used to express approximate concentrations. The term specifies the grams of substance per 100 grams of sol...

General Manual for Mathematical Equations in LaTex

Brief manual for the code used in LaTex to generate equations

This document mainly copied the content from this link to study the LaTex for mathmatic equation. Reserved Symbol There are some characters which need to be typed out by a specific method in LaTex...